After two days of tight competition, finally, there were four best teams breaking to final round of 2nd NNDC 2013. They are UGM B, UNDIP A, PARAMADINA A, and UI A. The motion for the final round was 'THBT all funds and resources allocated to mitigate climate change should be redistributed to researchers and preparations of colonizing other planets as a new home for humankind. UGM B (Mariette Wahyuningsih and Sufi Adenda) was acting as Opening Government, UNDIP A (Rafinata
Fasihani and Temi Chintia
Risva) became the Opening Oposition, Paramadina A (Retno
Dewati and Putu Lumina
Mentari) and UI A (Tanita Dhiyaan
Rahmani and Divio Alfath) were acting as Closing Government and Closing Opposition respectively.
After a tight debate, UI A claimed the champion of 2nd NNDC 2013 followed by UNDIP A in the 2nd rank, UGM B in the 3rd, and Paramadina A in the 4th. This was following the success of Eds UI in the 1st NNDC in which they claimed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd rank in the final round as well as topping the best speakers list. This year, however, the best speaker title was grabbed by UGM team. Sufi Adenda got the best speaker title followed by her teammate, Marriette Wahyuningsih in the 2nd rank.

Here is the 10 best speakers of 2nd NNDC UNY 2013.
1. Sufi Adenda (UGM)
2. Mariete (UGM)
3. Teti (Sanata Dharma)
4. Siska (UB)
5. Asep (UMY)
6. Retno (Paramadina)
7. Alexander (Sanata Dharma)
8. Haris (UB)
9. Tanita (UI)
9. Tanita (UI)
10. Bayu (UB)
Finally, 2nd NNDC UNY 2013 was over. Thank you for all participants. We're waiting for your participation next year. Congratulations for all the winners!